Søk: 'The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process'
The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process
ISBN 9780761961062 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
The foundations of social research: meaning and perspective in the research process
ISBN 9780761961055 , 1998 , Michael Crotty
The conceptual foundations of social research methods
ISBN 9781594510700 , 2004 , David Baronov
Conceptual Foundations Of Social Research Methods
ISBN 9781594510717 , 2004 , David Baronov
Social research: issues, methods and process
ISBN 9780335206124 , 2001 , Tim May
Foundations of Clinical Research
ISBN 9781292020365 , 2013 , Leslie Gross Portney
The Logic of Social Research
ISBN 9780226774923 , 2005 , Arthur L. Stinchcombe
Research Design in Social Research
ISBN 9780761953470 , 2001 , D. A. De Vaus
Research Design in Social Research
ISBN 9780761953463 , 2001 , David de Vaus
Surveys in Social Research
ISBN 9780415530187 , 2013 , David de Vaus
Social Research: The Basics
ISBN 9780761973676 , 2004 , Matthew David, Carole D. Sutton
Social Research: The Basics
ISBN 9780761973669 , 2004 , Matthew David, Carole D Sutton
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781507775547 , 2015 , Dawn Iacobucci
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780340662267 , 1996 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method
ISBN 9781412960182 , 2010 , Charles C. Ragin, Lisa M. Amoroso
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199588053 , 2012 , Alan Bryman
Surveys in Social Research
ISBN 9780415268585 , 2001 , David de Vaus
Elementary Statistics in Social Research: The Essentials
ISBN 9780205638000 , 2010 , Jack A. Levin, Dr James Alan Fox
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781439081013 , 2010 , Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert Churchill
Elementary Statistics in Social Research: The Essentials
ISBN 9780205484935 , 2006
Designing Social Research
ISBN 9780745643380 , 2009
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9781259060380 , 2013 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Abbott
Research Methods in the Social Sciences [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780716755197 , 2008 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
ISBN 9781428802131 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Documentary Research: In Education, History and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272865 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Documentary Research in Education, History, and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415272872 , 2004 , Gary McCulloch
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071289153 , 2010 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230360693 , 2012 , Torbjørn Knutsen, Jonathon Moses
The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects: for small-scale social research projects
ISBN 9780335241385 , 2010 , Martyn Denscombe
Doing Research: The Hows and Whys of Applied Research
ISBN 9781935871118 , 2011 , Pieternella Susanna Verhoeven