Søk: 'Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing'
Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
ISBN 9780262017503 , 2012 , Ulrik Ekman
Computing with Excel and VBA
ISBN 9780763756680 , 2008 , S. I. Krishan
Statistical Computing with R
ISBN 9781584885450 , 2007 , Maria L. Rizzo
Black hair: art, style, and culture
ISBN 9780789306241 , 2001 , Ima Ebong
Aesthetic theory, art and popular culture
ISBN 9788276343694 , 1999 , Jostein Gripsrud
Computing with bio-molecules: theory and experiments
ISBN 9789814021050 , 1998 , Gheorghe Paun
Exercise Throughout Life
ISBN 9781840182750 , 1999 , Warren Fellows
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9781133491811 , 2012 , David Kincaid, E. Cheney
Art in Modern Culture
ISBN 9780714828404 , 1992 , Francis Frascina, Jonathan Harris
Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing
ISBN 9780521880688 , 2007 , 3. utgave , William H. Press, William T. Vetterling,m.fl.
Computing With Excel and Vba: A Problem Solving Approach
ISBN 9780757537028 , 2006 , S. I. Krishan
JavaTech, an Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing with Java
ISBN 9780521527972 , 2010 , Clark S. Lindsey, Thomas Lindblad
Established and emerging business genres
ISBN 9788276341799 , 2002 , Aud Solbjørg Skulstad
Digital Art Revolution: Creating Fine Art with Photoshop
ISBN 9780823095360 , 2010 , Scott Ligon
Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing
ISBN 9788175960961 , 2007
India: Emerging Power
ISBN 9780815715016 , 2002
Researching Information Systems and Computing
ISBN 9781412902243 , 2005 , Briony J. Oates
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534389932 , 2003 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney
Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus
ISBN 9780470855942 , 2008
Economic Growth and Development: Emerging Issues
ISBN 9788176299831 , 2007 , Prankrishna Pal
Treatment of Stuttering: Established and Emerging Interventions
ISBN 9780781771047 , 2009 , Rebecca Joan McCauley, Barry Guitar, Ph.D.
Pumpkin Art with Other
ISBN 9780762413751 , 2002 , Susan Hom
Time Magazine Special Art Edition with Modern Art, Revised and Updated
ISBN 9780131679931 , 2004 , Sam Hunter, John Jacobus, Daniel Wheeler,m.fl.
Grid Computing: Techniques and Applications
ISBN 9781420069532 , 2009 , Barry Wilkinson
Light:Its Interaction with Art and Antiquities
ISBN 9780306404160 , 1980 , Thomas B. Brill
Applications of Soft Computing: Updating the State of the Art
ISBN 9783540880783 , 2009 , Rajkumar Roy, Erel Avineri, Mario Koppen,m.fl.
Researching Information Systems and Computing
ISBN 9781412902236 , 2005 , Briony J. Oates
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534351847 , 1999 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney
Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus
ISBN 9780470855935 , 2008
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534201128 , 1994 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney