Søk: 'Value at Risk'
Value at Risk
ISBN 9780071464956 , 2006 , Jorion Philippe
Beyond value at risk: the new science of risk management
ISBN 9780471976226 , 1998
Market Risk Analysis, Volume IV: Value-At-Risk Models [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470997888 , 2009
At risk
ISBN 9780751538717 , 2006 , Patricia Cornwell
At Risk
ISBN 9780091799601 , 2004 , Stella Rimmington
Derivatives Markets with Stochastic Volatility: Interest-Rate Derivatives and Value-at-Risk
ISBN 9783639070293 , 2008 , Rafael De Santiago
Market Risk Analysis: Quantitative Methods in Finace, Practical Finincial Econometrics, Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments, Value-at-Risk Models
ISBN 9780470997994 , 2009 , Carol Alexander
At Risk Internet and Commerce
ISBN 9781855649842 , 2003 , Robert W. Hammesfahr,m.fl.
Operational Risk and Resilience: Understanding and Minimising Operational Risk to Secure Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780750643955 , 2000 , David Allen, James Porter, Philip Bloodworth
ISBN 9780335208296 , 2003 , Roy Boyne
Families, infants, & young children at risk: pathways to best practice
ISBN 9781557668066 , 2009 , Gail L. Ensher, David A. Clark, Nancy S. Songer
ISBN 9780415183345 , 1999 , Deborah Lupton
Critical Infrastructures at Risk: Securing the European Electric Power System
ISBN 9781402043062 , 2006 , A.V. Gheorghe, M. Masera, L. De Vries,m.fl.
The Arts and Youth at Risk: Global and Local Challenges
ISBN 9781847186324 , 2008 , Angela O'Brien, Kate Donelan
ISBN 9780415183338 , 1999 , Deborah Lupton
ISBN 9781857280685 , 1995 , John Adams
Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management
ISBN 9780470109106 , 2010 , Pietro Veronesi
Misconceptions of Risk
ISBN 9780470683880 , 2010 , Terje Aven
The Geese Theatre Handbook: Drama with Offenders and People at Risk
ISBN 9781872870670 , 2002 , Clark Baim, Sally Brookes, Alan Mountford
Managing risk
ISBN 9781861521675 , 1998
Risk Revisited
ISBN 9780745314631 , 1998 , Pat Caplan
Transboundary Risk Governance
ISBN 9781844077915 , 2009 , Rolf Lidskog, Linda Soneryd, Ylva Uggla,m.fl.
Face Value
ISBN 9780744143867 , 2002 , Donna Lagerquist
Equity at risk: planned educational change in Norway : pitfalls and progress
ISBN 9788200224921 , 1997 , Kari Jan Solstad
Changing family life in East Africa: women and children at risk
ISBN 9780271006765 , 1990 , Philip Leroy Kilbride, Janet Capriotti Kilbride
Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation: Managing for Value Creation
ISBN 9780538751346 , 2010 , Claude Viallet, Gabriel A. Hawawini
Risk, Complexity and ICT
ISBN 9781845426613 , 2007 , Ole Hanseth, Claudio Ciborra
Risk Management and Derivatives
ISBN 9780538861014 , 2002 , Rene Stulz
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780470637647 , 2011 , Marvin Rausand
Auditing: assurance & risk
ISBN 9780324022131 , 2000 , W. Robert Knechel, W. Knechel