Søk: 'Visual Literacy: Image, Mind, and Reality'
Visual Literacy: Image, Mind, and Reality
ISBN 9780813319377 , 1994 , Paul Messaris
Mind, Value and Reality
ISBN 9780674007130 , 2001 , John Henry McDowell
Cinematically Speaking: The Orality-Literacy Paradigm for Visual Narrative
ISBN 9781572739659 , 2011
Cinematically Speaking: The Orality-Literacy Paradigm for Visual Narrative
ISBN 9781572739642 , 2011
Playing and Reality
ISBN 9780415345460 , 2005 , Robert Rodman, D. W. Winnicott
Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality: Discussions With John R. Searle
ISBN 9781402008535 , 2002 , Günther Grewendorf, Georg Meggle
Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality: Discussions with John R. Searle
ISBN 9781402008610 , 2002 , Günther Grewendorf, Georg Meggle
Orality and Literacy
ISBN 9780415281294 , 2002
Democratic Ideals and Reality
ISBN 9780571253760 , 2009 , Sir Halford John Mackinder
Developing Language and Literacy
ISBN 9780470977460 , 2011 , Julia M. Carroll, Claudine Bowyer-Crane,m.fl.
Literacy and Orality
ISBN 9780521398503 , 1991
Literacy and Orality
ISBN 9780521392174 , 1991
Media Literacy
ISBN 9781412979450 , 2010
Reality Check: The Business and Art of Producing Reality TV
ISBN 9780240810300 , 2008 , Michael Essany
The snow-white image; the hidden reality of crime in Switzerland
ISBN 9788200074724 , 1988 , Flemming Balvig
Media literacy
ISBN 9781412958752 , 2008
Literacy Research Methodologies
ISBN 9781609181628 , 2011 , Nell K. Duke, Marla H. Mallette
Moral Literacy
ISBN 9780674030527 , 2008 , Barbara Herman
Analyzing Narrative Reality
ISBN 9781412952194 , 2008 , James A. Holstein
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
ISBN 9780077136406 , 2012 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith, Nigel Holt,m.fl.
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
ISBN 9780077169848 , 2015 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith, Nigel Holt,m.fl.
Digital Image Processing
ISBN 9780132345637 , 2007 , Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods
Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference
ISBN 9781412942140 , 2008 , Ronald C. Arnett, Leeanne M. Bell
Literacy i læringskontekster
ISBN 9788202405984 , 2013 , Dagrun Skjelbred, Aslaug Veum
Biomedical Signal And Image Processing
ISBN 9780849320996 , 2006 , Kayvan Najarian, Robert Splinter
Digital Image Processing
ISBN 9780131687288 , 2007 , Richard Woods, Rafael C. Gonzalez,m.fl.
Remote sensing and image interpretation
ISBN 9780471152279 , 2004 , Ralph W. Kiefer, Thomas M. Lillesand,m.fl.
Never Mind
ISBN 9781447202936 , 2012 , Edward St. Aubyn
Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality
ISBN 9781107604629 , 2012 , E. J. Hobsbawm
Brain, Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780716751847 , 2006 , Floyd E. Bloom, Arlyne Lazerson, Charles Nelson