Søk: 'Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic.NET'
Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic.NET
ISBN 9780321125194 , 2003 , Chris Sells, Justin Ghetland
Windows Forms 2005 Programming in C#
ISBN 9780321267962 , 2006 , Chris Sells, Mike Weinhardt, Michael Weinhardt,m.fl.
Learning Visual Basic.NET
ISBN 9780596003869 , 2002 , Jesse Liberty
Visual Basic.NET: innføring
ISBN 9788275851428 , 2002 , Bernt Bertheussen
Advanced Visual Basic.NET: programming web and desktop applications in ADO.NET and ASP.NET
ISBN 9780130893673 , 2004 , David Gefen, Chittibabu Govindarajulu
Visual Basic.Net Bible with CDROM
ISBN 9780764548260 , 2003 , Jason Beres, Bill Evjen
Sams teach yourself Visual Basic.Net in 24 hours
ISBN 9780672320804 , 2002 , James D. Foxall
Visual Basic.NET i teori og praksis
ISBN 9788275851459 , 2002 , Bernt Bertheussen
Beginning ASP.NET 1.0 with Visual Basic.NET
ISBN 9780764543692 , 2002 , Ollie Cornes, S. Srinivasa Sivakumar,m.fl.
Visual Basic.NET: innføring i databaseprogrammering
ISBN 9788275851435 , 2002 , Bernt Bertheussen
.Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780596003388 , 2003 , Ian Griffiths, Matthew Adams
Programming Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Visual Basic .Net (Core Refere
ISBN 9780735617995 , 2003 , Charles Petzold
Sams Teach Yourself .Net Windows Forms in 21 Days
ISBN 9780672323201 , 2002 , Chris Payne, Cynthia L. Baron
Data Binding With Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications With .net
ISBN 9780321268921 , 2006 , Brian Noyes
Programming .NET Windows Applications
ISBN 9780596003210 , 2003 , Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz
Sams teach yourself Visual Basic.NET på 21 dager
ISBN 9788277722412 , 2003 , Kent Sharkey, Duncan Mackenzie
Windows 2000 programming bible
ISBN 9780764533129 , 2000 , John Paul Mueller
Pro .Net 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C#
ISBN 9781590594391 , 2004 , Matthew MacDonald
Programming Visual Basic 2005
ISBN 9780596009496 , 2005 , Jesse Liberty
Object-Oriented Programming in Visual Basic .Net
ISBN 9780201787054 , 2003 , Alistair McMonnies
User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls
ISBN 9781590590447 , 2002 , Matthew MacDonald
Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in VB 2005
ISBN 9781590596944 , 2006 , Matthew MacDonald
Windows 2000 programming for dummies
ISBN 9780764504693 , 2000 , Richard J. Simon
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2010
ISBN 9780138003340 , 2010 , David I. Schneider
Visual Basic 6 database programming bible
ISBN 9780764547287 , 2000 , Wayne S. Freeze
Data Entry and Validation with C# and VB.NET Windows Forms
ISBN 9781590591086 , 2003 , Nick Symmonds
Illustrator CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN 9780321706614 , 2010 , Elaine Weinmann, Peter Lourekas
InDesign CS5 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN 9780321705204 , 2010 , Sandee Cohen
Programming Microsoft Visual C++, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9781572318571 , 1998 , 5. utgave , George Shepherd, Scot Wingo, David J. Kruglinski,m.fl.
Programming Microsoft Windows CE .NET, Third Edition
ISBN 9780735618848 , 2003 , 3. utgave , Douglas McConnaughey Boling