Søk: 'adhd'
ADHD: en håndbok for voksne med ADHD
ISBN 9788205371279 , 2008 , Sverre Hoem
ADHD : en håndbok for voksne med ADHD
ISBN 9788205326170 , 2004 , Sverre Hoem
Barn med ADHD
ISBN 9788244620147 , 2009 , David Keeping, Uta Bastian, Åse Egge
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD
ISBN 9781606237106 , 2010 , Russell A. Barkley
Barn og unge med ADHD
ISBN 9788275222617 , 2004 , Pål Zeiner, Peter Arnesen
ADHD: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians
ISBN 9781581101157 , 2002 , AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
ADHD/Learning Disorders: August 2008, Number 2
ISBN 9781581102574 , 2008 , m.fl.
Treating ADHD and Comorbid Disorders: Psychosocial and Psychopharmacological Interventions
ISBN 9781609182311 , 2011 , Steven R. Pliszka
ADHD: A Complete and Authoritative Guide for Parents
ISBN 9781581101218 , 2004 , AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics,m.fl.
Adhd With Comorbid Disorders: Clinical Assessment and Management
ISBN 9781572307100 , 2001 , James M. Swanson, Steven R. Pliszka,m.fl.
Adhd With Comorbid Disorders: Clinical Assessment and Management
ISBN 9781572304789 , 1999 , James M. Swanson, Steven R. Pliskza,m.fl.
Barn med ADHD i barnehagen: tilrettelegging for trivsel, lek og læring
ISBN 9788244620413 , 2012 , Yuliya Haugland, Rita Tangen
ADHD: et informasjonshefte fra RÃ¥det for psykisk helse
ISBN 9788291635163 , 2002 , Bente Riise, Hanna Hånes, Trond Isaksen
A Multi-Modal Approach to Address ADHD: A Non-Drug Emphasis
ISBN 9781449066215 , 2010 , Annie M. Wells Ph.D.
Autism? Asperger's? Adhd? Add?: A Parent's Roadmap to Understanding And Support!
ISBN 9781932565263 , 2005
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for ADHD in Adolescents and Adults: A Psychological Guide to Practice
ISBN 9781119960744 , 2012 , Susan Young, Jessica Bramham
Nonmedication Treatments for Adult ADHD: Evaluating Impact on Daily Functioning and Well-being
ISBN 9781433805646 , 2009 , J. Russell Ramsay
Kan de ikke bare ta seg sammen: om barn og unge med ADHD og Tourette Syndrom
ISBN 9788205329928 , 2004 , Lisbeth Iglum Rønhovde
ADHD in the young child driven to re-direction: a guide for parents and teachers of young children with ADHD : a book for parents and teachers
ISBN 9781886941328 , 1999 , Cathy L. Reimers, Bruce A. Brunger
The ADHD autism connection: a step toward more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment
ISBN 9781578564989 , 2002 , Diane Kennedy, Rebecca Banks
Ett barn i hver klasse: om barn og unge med DAMP, MBD, ADHD.
ISBN 9788290830477 , 1998 , Christopher Gillberg
Syndrombarn: barn med ADHD, lærevansker, aspergers, tourettes, bipolar lidelse med mer! : håndbok for foreldre, lærere, fagpersoner
ISBN 9788275224451 , 2013 , Tony Attwood, Lars Holm-Hansen,m.fl.
ADD/ADHD behavior-change resource kit: ready-to-use strategies & activities for helping children with attention deficit disorder
ISBN 9780876281444 , 1997 , Grad L. Flick