Søk: 'aristophanes'
Aristophanes: Lysistrata
ISBN 9780856684586 , 1990 , Aristophanes, Alan H. Sommerstein
Aristophanes: The Complete Plays
ISBN 9780451214096 , 2005 , Aristophanes, Paul Roche
Aristophanes: The Acharnians
ISBN 9780856681721 , 1980 , Aristófanes, Alan Herbert Sommerstein
Aristophanes' Male And Female Revolutions: A Reading Of Aristophanes' Knights And Assemblywomen
ISBN 9780739108338 , 2004 , Kenneth M. De Luca
Aristophanes and the Definition of Comedy
ISBN 9780199253821 , 2002 , M. S. Silk
Aristophanes' Lysistrata: Translated With Introduction and Notes
ISBN 9780941051026 , 1988 , Aristophanes, Jeffrey Henderson
The Comedies of Aristophanes: Acharnians. Vol.1
ISBN 9780856681677 , 1980 , Alan H. Sommerstein, Aristófanes
Four Plays by Aristophanes: The Birds; The Clouds; The Frogs; Lysistrata
ISBN 9780452007178 , 1984 , Aristophanes, William Arrowsmith
Aristophane; Traduction Nouvelle Tome I
ISBN 9780554284095 , 2008 , Aristophanes
Aristophane; Traduction Nouvelle Tome I
ISBN 9781434653321 , 2007 , Aristophanes
ISBN 9781103502639 , 2009 , Aristophanes
ISBN 9781103502677 , 2009 , Aristophanes
ISBN 9781605972855 , 2008 , Aristophanes
Clouds / Wasps / Peace
ISBN 9780674995376 , 1998 , Aristophanes
ISBN 9780198141952 , 2002 , Aristophanes, S.Douglas Olson
ISBN 9788205253858 , 1998 , Bjørn Endreson, Aristophanes
Acharnians / Knights
ISBN 9780674995673 , 1998 , Aristophanes, Jeffrey Henderson
Lysistrata (Drama Classics S.)
ISBN 9781854593252 , 1996 , Aristophanes, Patric Dickinson
Plays: Wasps. Clouds. Birds. Festival time (Thesmophoriazousai). Frogs
ISBN 9780413669100 , 1993 , Aristophanes, Kenneth McLeish, J.Michael Walton
ISBN 9780451527899 , 1964 , Aristophanes, Douglass Parker, William Arrowsmith,m.fl.