Søk: 'banker'
The Devil's Banker
ISBN 9780440296102 , 2004 , Christopher Reich
Fortiden banker på
ISBN 9788202231507 , 2003 , Inger Harriet Hegstad
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755893 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755916 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Chartered Banker Conversion Programme - Financial Economics
ISBN 9780751755909 , 2009 , BPP Learning Media Ltd
Når noen banker på døren
ISBN 9788202176037 , 1999 , Anita Shreve
Fokus Banks historie; bind 1: 1859-1987, banker i fokus
ISBN 9788251916226 , 2000 , Kari Helgesen, Elsa Reiersen
Banker to the Poor: The Story of the Grameen Bank
ISBN 9781854109248 , 1998 , Alan Jolis, Prince of Wales Charles,m.fl.
Banker to the poor: the autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank
ISBN 9780195795370 , 2001 , Alan Jolis, Muhammad Yunus
The Devil's Banker.: In the War Against Terrorism, Dirty Money is the Most Dangerous Weapon....
ISBN 9780755306251 , 2003 , Christopher Reich
Lov om sikringsordninger for banker og offentlig administrasjon m.v. av finansinstitusjoner (Banksikringsloven) (Lov av 06.12.1996 nr. 75)
ISBN 9788205321861 , 2003 , Sven Iver Steen