Søk: 'benner'
Omsorgens betydning i sygepleje: stress og mestring ved sundhed og sygdom
ISBN 9788762802223 , 2001 , Judith Wrubel
En hatt med slør: Om omsorgens forhold til sykepleie - en presentasjon av Benner og Wrubels teori
ISBN 9788251833073 , 1995 , Trulte Konsmo
Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care, Second Edition: A Thinking-in-Action Approach
ISBN 9780826105738 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Patricia Ann Benner
Assessment of Children with Special Needs
ISBN 9781401825270 , 2003 , T. Benner
Ancient Hebrew Dictionary
ISBN 9781602643772 , 2009 , Jeff A. Benner
A Mechanical Translation of the Book of Genesis: The Hebrew Text Literally Tranlated Word for Word
ISBN 9781602640337 , 2007 , Jeff A. Benner
From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice
ISBN 9780130325228 , 2000 , Patricia E. Benner
Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel
ISBN 9780801090639 , 1998 , David G. Benner
Interpretive phenomenology: embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness
ISBN 9780803957220 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Interpretive Phenomenology: Embodiment, Caring, and Ethics in Health and Illness
ISBN 9780803957237 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Adult Education in a Multicultural Society
ISBN 9780415909136 , 1994 , Beverly Benner Cassara
Stress and satisfaction on the job: work meanings and coping of mid-career men
ISBN 9780030638398 , 1984 , Patricia E. Benner
Breakthroughs in Critical Reading: Developing Reading and Critical Thinking Skills
ISBN 9780809209330 , 1994 , Contemporary, Patricia Ann Benner
Adolescent Sexual Health Education: An Activity Sourcebook
ISBN 9780826138224 , 2008 , Josefina J. Card, PhD, Tabitha Benner, MPA
Expertise in Nursing Practice, Second Edition: Caring, Clinical Judgment, and Ethics
ISBN 9780826125446 , 2009 , 2. utgave , Patricia E. Benner, Christine A. Tanner,m.fl.
Adult education through world collaboration
ISBN 9780894648281 , 1995 , Beverly Benner Cassara, Francisco Vio Grossi
From Beginner to Expert
ISBN 9780826187024 , 1996 , Patricia E. Benner, Christine A. Tanner
Caregiving: Readings in Knowledge, Practice, Ethics, and Politics
ISBN 9780812215823 , 1996 , Patricia Ann Benner, Suzanne Gordon, Nel Noddings
Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring, Clinical Judgment, and Ethics
ISBN 9780826187031 , 1998 , Patricia E. Benner, Christine A. Tanner,m.fl.