Søk: 'bipolar'
Bipolar Disorder: A Cognitive Therapy Approach
ISBN 9781557987891 , 2002 , Aaron T. Beck, Robert L. Leahy,m.fl.
Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design
ISBN 9780471430780 , 2002 , Alan B. Grebene
Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression
ISBN 9780195135794 , 2007 , Kay Redfield Jamison
Bipolar/bicmos Circuits and Technology Meeting: Papers and Programme
ISBN 9780780327788 , 1996 , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Bipolar/BiCOMS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993
ISBN 9780780313163 , 1995 , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder
ISBN 9780767912853 , 2002 , Janice Papolos, Demitri F. Papolos, M.D.
Syndrombarn: barn med ADHD, lærevansker, aspergers, tourettes, bipolar lidelse med mer! : håndbok for foreldre, lærere, fagpersoner
ISBN 9788275224451 , 2013 , Tony Attwood, Lars Holm-Hansen,m.fl.
Proceedings of the 1998 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting: September 27-29, 1998
ISBN 9780780344976 , 1998 , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Proceedings of the 1997 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting: September 28-30, 1997
ISBN 9780780339163 , 1997 , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers