Søk: 'distributed'
Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780273760597 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Distributed Leadership
ISBN 9780787965389 , 2006
Distributed Operating Systems
ISBN 9788177581799 , 2009 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
A Distributed Pi-calculus
ISBN 9780521873307 , 2007 , Matthew Hennessy
Distributed Operating Systems
ISBN 9780132199087 , 1994 , Andrew S. Tannenbaum
Nonlinear and Distributed Circuits
ISBN 9780849372766 , 2005 , Chen Wai-Kai
Distributed Systems: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025520 , 2013
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
ISBN 9780321263544 , 2005 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Networks in Distributed Computing
ISBN 9780821809921 , 1998 , Marios Mavronicolas, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit
Algorithms: sequential, parallel, and distributed
ISBN 9780534420574 , 2005 , Jerome L. Paul
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780136135531 , 2006 , Maarten van Steen, Andrew S 1944- Tanenbaum
Distributed systems: principles and paradigms
ISBN 9780132392273 , 2006 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen
Distributed systems: concepts and design
ISBN 9780201619188 , 2001 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Principles of Distributed Database Systems
ISBN 9780136079385 , 1999 , M. Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
ISBN 9780131217867 , 2002 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen,m.fl.
Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming
ISBN 9783642152597 , 2011 , Christian Cachin, Luis Rodrigues
Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming
ISBN 9780321312839 , 2005 , M. Ben-Ari
monitoring and control of spatially distributed systems
ISBN 9789812771827 , 2009 , Dan S. Necsulescu
Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780521070997 , 2008 , Jon Barwise, Jerry Seligman
Operating Systems: Concurrent and Distributed Software Disign
ISBN 9780321117892 , 2003 , Jean Bacon, Tim Harris
Distributed Storage Networks: Architecture, Protocols and Management
ISBN 9780470871478 , 2005 , Thomas C. Jepsen
A Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization
ISBN 9781586039899 , 2009 , A. Petcu
Distributed storage networks: architecture, protocols and management
ISBN 9780470850206 , 2003 , Thomas C. Jepsen
Distributed Generation - Management & Utilisation of Electricity
ISBN 9780863415326 , 2005
Distributed Cognitions: Psychological and Educational Considerations
ISBN 9780521414067 , 1993
Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
ISBN 9780470068526 , 2008 , Ross J. Anderson
Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems
ISBN 9781441951670 , 2010 , Wayne Wolf
Distributed Storage Networks: Architecture, Protocols and Management
ISBN 9780470871461 , 2003 , Thomas C. Jepsen
Foundations of multithreaded, parallel, and distributed programming
ISBN 9780201357523 , 2000 , Gregory R. Andrews