Søk: 'epistemology'
ISBN 9780631210887 , 1999 , Ernest Sosa, David Edward Cooper,m.fl.
Epistemology: an anthology
ISBN 9781405169660 , 2008 , Ernest Sosa
Epistemology: A Beginner's Guide
ISBN 9781851687329 , 2010 , Robert M. Martin
Formalization and epistemology
ISBN 9788200126836 , 1997 , Rolf Inge Godøy
Durkheim, Bernard and Epistemology (Routledge Revivals)
ISBN 9780415563499 , 2010
Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology
ISBN 9780631229155 , 2005 , Henrietta L. Moore, Todd Sanders
An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology
ISBN 9780631136224 , 1985 , Jonathan Dancy
Understanding Management Research: An Introduction to Epistemology
ISBN 9780761969181 , 2000 , Joanne Duberley, Phil Johnson
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
ISBN 9780415879231 , 2010 , Robert Audi
After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology
ISBN 9780203450987 , 1997 , Allison James, Jennifer Lorna Hockey,m.fl.
Certainty and surface in epistemology and philosophical method: essays in honor of Avrum Stroll
ISBN 9780773497115 , 1991 , Michael J. White, Avrum Stroll, Al P. Martinich
The Concept of Scientific Law in the Philosophy of Science and Epistemology: A Study of Theoretical Reason
ISBN 9780792358527 , 1999 , Igor Hanzel