Søk: 'festival'
Festival and Events Management
ISBN 9780750658720 , 2003 , Jane Ali-Knight, Ian Yeoman, Martin Robertson,m.fl.
Festival and Special Event Management
ISBN 9781742164618 , 2010 , Robert Harris, William O'Toole, Ian McDonnell,m.fl.
Festival!: mellom rølp, kultur og næring
ISBN 9788202422219 , 2013 , Aksel Tjora
Chris Gore's Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, 4th Edition: The Essential Companion for Filmmakers and Festival-Goers
ISBN 9780823099719 , 2008 , 4. utgave , Chris Gore
Quart: den usminkede historien om Norges viktigste festival
ISBN 9788248908012 , 2008 , Pål Hetland
Plays: Wasps. Clouds. Birds. Festival time (Thesmophoriazousai). Frogs
ISBN 9780413669100 , 1993 , Aristophanes, Kenneth McLeish, J.Michael Walton
Art in the garden: installations, Glasgow Garden Festival
ISBN 9780948274015 , 1988 , Graeme Murray
Case Studies in Festival and Event Marketing and Cultural Tourism
ISBN 9781905369034 , 2006 , Jane Ali-Knight, Donna Chambers
Events Management
ISBN 9781856178181 , 2010 , William O'Toole, Ian McDonnell, Rob Harris,m.fl.
Festival 2 Méthode de Français: Livre de l'élève
ISBN 9782090353235 , 2005 , Sylvie Poisson Quinton, Michèle Mahéo-Le Coadic,m.fl.
Audiatur: katalog for ny poesi ; Bergen 27. - 30. september ; [utgitt til Audiatur, Festival for Ny Poesi, Bergen, 27. - 30. september 2007]
ISBN 9788292523179 , 2007
Gregorian chant and medieval music: proceedings from The Nordic Festival and Conference of Gregorian Chant Trondheim, St. Olavs Wake 1997
ISBN 9788251913065 , 1998 , Audun Dybdahl, Ola Kai Ledang,m.fl.
Copenhagen. Travel Guidebook.: Insider Information on how to Navigate the Northern Nightlife. The Best and Coolest Places to Eat and Drink. Special Sectionon on the World-famous Jazz Festival.
ISBN 9781864502039 , 2001 , Ned Friary, Glenda Bendure