Søk: 'fisheries'
Marine Fisheries Ecology
ISBN 9780632050987 , 2001 , John D. Reynolds
Inshore Fisheries Management
ISBN 9781402001284 , 2001 , David Gilyard Symes, Jeremy Phillipson
Economics for Fisheries Management
ISBN 9780754632498 , 2006 , R. Quentin Grafton, James Kirkley, Tom Kompas,m.fl.
Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780632059942 , 2005 , John Simmonds, David N. MacLennan
The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
ISBN 9781845934149 , 2008 , m.fl.
Surveys of Fisheries Resources
ISBN 9780471547358 , 1993 , Donald R. Gunderson
Fish for Life: Interactive Governance for Fisheries
ISBN 9789053566862 , 2005 , Svein Jentoft, Jan Kooiman, Roger S.V. Pullin,m.fl.
Population genetics: principles and applications for fisheries scientists
ISBN 9781888569278 , 2003 , Eric M. Hallerman
Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Fisheries Management: Global Experiences and European Prospects
ISBN 9789048126620 , 2009
Fishing Grounds: Defining A New Era For American Fisheries Management
ISBN 9781559638043 , 2000 , Heather Blough, Richard Allen, Suzanne Iudicello,m.fl.
Fishing grounds: defining a new era for American fisheries management
ISBN 9781559638036 , 2000 , Susan Hanna,m.fl.
Com (97) 617 Final, Brussels, 25.11.97 - 97/0325 (ACC): 03 - Agriculture, Silviculture and Fisheries
ISBN 9789278277727 , 1997 , European Communities Commission
Women's participation in decision-making processes in Arctic fisheries resource management : Arctic council 2002-2004
ISBN 9788292038017 , 1999 , Sylvi Liljegren, Bjørn Stemland