Søk: 'funk'
Presence and Pleasure: The Funk Grooves of James Brown and Parliament
ISBN 9780819568236 , 2006 , Anne Danielsen
Hip Grooves for Hand Drums: How to Play Funk, Rock & World-Beat Patterns on Any Drum
ISBN 9780963880154 , 2001 , Alan L Dworsky, Betsy Sansby, Marc Anderson
Encountering the Transnational: Women Islam and the Politics of Interpretation
ISBN 9780754671237 , 2008 , Meena Sharify-Funk
studio d A2. Gesamtband 2. Kurs- und Ubungsbuch mit CD
ISBN 9783464207123 , 2006 , Christina Kuhn, Hermann Funk, Silke Demme,m.fl.