Søk: 'geometry'
ISBN 9781852330583 , 2000 , Roger A. Fenn
The Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9780136020585 , 2011 , Gerard Venema
Algebraic Geometry
ISBN 9780387902449 , 1997 , Robin Hartshorne
Algebra and Geometry
ISBN 9780521890496 , 2005
Sacred Geometry
ISBN 9780500810309 , 1982 , Robert Lawlor
The foundations of geometry
ISBN 9780131437005 , 2006 , Gerard Venema
Developing Thinking in Geometry
ISBN 9781412911696 , 2005 , John Mason
Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
ISBN 9780521848626 , 2005 , Silvio Levy, Jacob Eli Goodman, Emo Welzl
Introduction to Geometry
ISBN 9780471504580 , 1989 , H. S. M. Coxeter
Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions: Geometry and Spectra of Fractal Strings
ISBN 9781461421764 , 2012 , Michel L. Lapidus, Machiel van Frankenhuijsen
Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions: Geometry and Spectra of Fractal Strings
ISBN 9781461421757 , 2012 , Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, Michel L. Lapidus
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780137604142 , 1998 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Calculus With Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780137363315 , 1998 , C. H. (Charles Henry) Edwards,m.fl.
Computational Geometry in C
ISBN 9780521649766 , 1998 , Joseph O'Rourke
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780131767287 , 1994 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780134579122 , 1994 , Charles Henry Edwards
Riemannian Geometry: Theory & Applications
ISBN 9780817634902 , 1992 , Manfredo Perdigao do Carmo
Calculus and Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780131165755 , 1990 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Calculus and Analytic Geometry
ISBN 9780201170696 , 1988 , Ross L. Finney, George Brinton Thomas
Calculus and analytic geometry
ISBN 9780131116092 , 1982 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521539272 , 2004 , Theodore Frankel
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781110292028 , 2009 , Russell Bertrand
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781110331741 , 2009 , Russell Bertrand (1872-1970 ).
Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
ISBN 9781292026633 , 2013 , Sean Carroll
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781147927948 , 2010 , Bertrand Russell
An Essay On the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781141441471 , 2010 , Bertrand Russell
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
ISBN 9780521623049 , 2000 , Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman
Manhattan GMAT Prep, the New Standard: Geometry
ISBN 9780982423837 , 2009
Topology and Geometry - Rohlin Seminar
ISBN 9783540502371 , 1988 , Oleg Yanovich Viro
An Essay On The Foundations Of Geometry
ISBN 9781603860505 , 2007 , Bertrand Russell