Søk: 'graphic'
Graphic Design
ISBN 9780500203477 , 2001 , Richard Hollis
Graphic Design Thinking
ISBN 9781568989792 , 2011 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design
ISBN 9781118134412 , 2013 , David Dabner
Coraline: The Graphic Novel
ISBN 9780747594062 , 2008 , Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell
Blankets: A Graphic Novel
ISBN 9781603090964 , 2011 , Craig Thompson (Utø)
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design
ISBN 9780500285268 , 2004 , David Dabner
Digital Graphic Design
ISBN 9780240514772 , 1996 , Ken Pender
The Graphic Edge
ISBN 9781873968697 , 1995
Graphic Design: The New Basics
ISBN 9781568987026 , 2008 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Graphic Design: The New Basics
ISBN 9781568987705 , 2008 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
City of Glass: The Graphic Novel
ISBN 9780312423605 , 2010 , Paul Karasik, David Mazzucchelli
A Guide to Graphic Print Production
ISBN 9780470907924 , 2011 , Robert Ryberg, Kaj Johansson
Graphic Design School: A Foundation Course for Graphic Designers Working in Print, Moving Image and Digital Media
ISBN 9780500288634 , 2010 , David Dabner, Sheena Calvert
A Guide to Graphic Print Production
ISBN 9780471761389 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert Ryberg, Peter Lundberg, Kaj Johansson
Digital colour in graphic design
ISBN 9780080926742 , 1998 , Ken Pender
Graphic Design For The 21st Century
ISBN 9783822816059 , 2003 , 21. utgave , Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Graphic Style: From Victorian to New Century
ISBN 9780810997912 , 2011 , Steven Heller, Seymour Chwast
Escher Graphic Basic Art Album No
ISBN 9783822813133 , 2004 , M. C. Escher
Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aesthetics
ISBN 9780240809892 , 2008 , Jon Krasner
The Complete Guide to Digital Graphic Design
ISBN 9780500285602 , 2005 , Bob Gordon, Maggie Gordon
Graphic Design Essentials: Skills, Software and Creative Solutions
ISBN 9781856695992 , 2009 , Joyce Walsh Macario
New Graphic Design School 2e (Paper Only)
ISBN 9780471288343 , 1997 , 2. utgave , Swann
Emigre: Graphic Design into the Digital Realm
ISBN 9780471285472 , 1993 , R. Vanderlands, Z. Licko, M.E. Gray
Graphic Design Portfolio Strategies for Print and Digital Media
ISBN 9780136140313 , 2008 , Robert Rowe, Gary Will, Harold Linton
Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels
ISBN 9780060780944 , 2006 , Scott McCloud
Calculus:A Complete Course with TI Graphic Calculator Approach Calculus
ISBN 9780582832251 , 2003 , Adams, Bradley
Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers, and three dimensional designers
ISBN 9783721201451 , 1988
Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop
ISBN 9781592531257 , 2005 , Timothy Samara
Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design
ISBN 9782940373208 , 2007 , Ian Noble, Russell Bestley
Visual Research (second Edition): An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design
ISBN 9782940411603 , 2011 , Ian Noble, Russell Bestley