Søk: 'interview'
The Long Interview
ISBN 9780803933538 , 1988 , Grant MacCracken
The long interview
ISBN 9780803933521 , 1988 , Grant David McCracken
Interview with the vampire
ISBN 9780345476876 , 2004 , Anne Rice
Interview With The Vampire (reissue)
ISBN 9780751541977 , 2008 , Anne Rice
ISBN 9781452275727 , 2014 , Steinar Kvale, Svend Brinkmann
An Interview with Professor Hilton Davis
ISBN 9780954097653 , 2011 , Peter Limbrick
ASP .Net 2.0 Website Programming Interview Questions: Microsoft .Net Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations
ISBN 9781933804514 , 2006 , , ITCOOKBOOK
InterView: Introduktion til et håndværk
ISBN 9788741251981 , 2009 , Steinar Kvale, Svend Brinkmann
Interview for journalister: spørgeteknik, skarpvinkling og struktur
ISBN 9788792816627 , 2014 , Kurt Strand
Java Interview Questions: Java Programming Certification Review
ISBN 9781933804330 , 2006 , Sanchez Terry
Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv : interview, observationer og dokumenter
ISBN 9788741203614 , 2005 , Margaretha Järvinen, Nanna Mik-Meyer
J2ee Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: J2ee Certification Review
ISBN 9781933804460 , 2006 , Terry Sanchez-Clark
Cracking the Coding Interview, 5th Edition: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions
ISBN 9780984782802 , 2011 , 5. utgave , Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Learning from Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies
ISBN 9780029346259 , 1994 , Robert Stuart Weiss
A Lifetime in Engineering: An Interview With Alex Moulton and John Pinkerton
ISBN 9783825807559 , 2007 , Alex Moulton, John Pinkerton
Interview with the Vampire: The First Book in the Vampire Chronicles
ISBN 9780708860731 , 1997 , Anne Rice
Entering the Child's Mind: The Clinical Interview In Psychological Research and Practice
ISBN 9780521498036 , 1997 , Herbert P. Ginsburg
Entering the Child's Mind: The Clinical Interview in Psychological Research and Practice
ISBN 9780521496858 , 1997 , Herbert P. Ginsburg
'Interview with the Vampire' and 'Wuthering Heights' and the Diabolical Reversal of the Nuclear Family
ISBN 9783638793209 , 2007 , Bianca Stärk
Return of the Vampire Hunter: An Exclusive Interview with Reclusive Vampire Hunter David Farrant
ISBN 9780953948147 , 2003
The Vampire Chronicles Collection: Interview with the Vampire, the Vampire Lestat, the Queen of the Damned
ISBN 9780345456342 , 2002 , Anne Rice
Learning How to Ask: A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
ISBN 9780521311137 , 1986 , Judith T. Irvine, Bambi B. Schieffelin,m.fl.