Søk: 'nanda'
ISBN 9788279501329 , 2008 , Sue Moorhead, Joanne McCloskey Dochterman,m.fl.
NANDA sykepleiediagnoser: definisjoner & klassifikasjon, 2001-2002 00
ISBN 9788279500841 , 2003
NANDA nursing diagnoses: definitions & classification, 2003-2004
ISBN 9780963704290 , 2003 , Sheila Sparks Ralph,m.fl.
AIMS May 2006
ISBN 9788188867875 , 2006 , Nanda K. Choudhry
A life of passion: story of a sapper
ISBN 9788182743335 , 2008 , Lt. Gen. T.B Nanda
A Life of Passion: Story of a Sapper
ISBN 9788182744646 , 2010 , Lt. Gen. Nanda Pvsm
A Tapestry of Stories
ISBN 9788172734763 , 2010 , Nanda Kishore Mishra, Kumar Swain
Advances in echo imaging using contrast enhancement
ISBN 9780792343554 , 1997 , Barry B. Goldberg, Navin Chandar Nanda,m.fl.
A decade of accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars: proceedings of the international workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 April 2008
ISBN 9780735405998 , 2008 , Rudy Wijnands, Diego Altamirano, Paolo Soleri,m.fl.