Søk: 'nhs'
Confuse & Conceal: The NHS and Independent Sector Treatment Centres
ISBN 9780850366099 , 2008 , Colin Leys, Stewart Player, Wendy Savage
Turisme: fenomen og næring
ISBN 9788205385597 , 2008 , Arvid Viken, Jens Kr. Steen Jacobsen
Evaluation of US-trained Physician Assistants Working in the NHS in England: The Introduction of US-trained Physician Assistants to Primary Care and Accident and Emergency in Sandwell and Birmingham ; Final Report
ISBN 9780704425132 , 2005 , Hugh McLeod, Juliet Woodin, Richard McManus,m.fl.
ISBN 9780113222339 , 1996 , National Health Service Estates, NHS Estates
ISBN 9780113222346 , 1996 , National Health Service Estates, NHS Estates
ISBN 9780113222353 , 1996 , National Health Service Estates, NHS Estates