Søk: 'packaging'
Electronic Components, Packaging and Production
ISBN 9788299219327 , 1995 , Leif Halbo
Essentials of Electronic Packaging: A Multidisciplinary Approach
ISBN 9780791859667 , 2011 , Puligandla Viswanadham
MEMS/MOEM Packaging: Concepts, Designs, Materials and Processes
ISBN 9780071455565 , 2005 , K.B. Gilleo
Application of Fracture Mechanics in Electronic Packaging
ISBN 9780791818275 , 1997 , W.T. Chen, D.T. Read
Advanced Electronic Packaging: With Emphasis on Multichip Modules
ISBN 9780780347007 , 1998 , William Donald Brown
Appropriate Food Packaging: Materials and Methdos for Small Business
ISBN 9781853395628 , 2002 , Barrie Axtell, Dr Peter Fellows
Application of Fracture Mechanics in Electronic Packaging and Materials
ISBN 9780791817360 , 1995 , R.A. Pearson
2002 Ieee/Semi Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop: Boston, Massachusetts, Usa, April 30-May 2, 2002
ISBN 9780780371583 , 2002 , IEEE Electron Devices Society,m.fl.
13th Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement & Management Symposium
ISBN 9780780337930 , 1997 , m.fl.