Søk: 'person'
Patient and Person
ISBN 9780443074752 , 2004 , Chris Stevenson, Marion Grieves,m.fl.
Concepts of Person
ISBN 9780195630336 , 1993
Kropp og person: to essays
ISBN 9788202232320 , 2005 , Iver B. Neumann, Marcel Mauss
Yrkessjåfør; person-og godstransport
ISBN 9788256272266
Yrkessjåfør: person- og godstransport
ISBN 9788256272525 , 2012 , Bernhard Hauge, Bjørn Norheim, Ståle Lødemel,m.fl.
Patient & Person: Interpersonal Skills in Nursing
ISBN 9780729538916 , 2008 , Jane Stein-Parbury
First Person Past: American Autobiographies
ISBN 9781881089292 , 1994 , Russell Duncan, Marian J. Morton
Det elskende menneske: person og etikk
ISBN 9788276745948 , 2000 , Nina Karin Monsen
Patient and person: interpersonal skills in nursing
ISBN 9780729537407 , 2005 , Jane Stein-Parbury
Rett person på rett plass: psykologiske metoder i rekruttering og lederutvikling
ISBN 9788205326200 , 2008 , Dag Øyvind E. Nilsen, Espen Skorstad,m.fl.
The Developing Person Through the Life Span
ISBN 9781572594296 , 2001 , Kathleen Stassen Berger, Ross A. Thompson
Det elskende menneske: person og etikk
ISBN 9788202109578 , 1987 , Nina Karin Monsen
The person: a new introduction to personality psychology
ISBN 9780471716990 , 2005 , Dan P. McAdams
The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology
ISBN 9780470129135 , 2009 , Dan P. McAdams
The Patient as Person: Explorations in Medical Ethics
ISBN 9780300093964 , 2002 , Paul Ramsey, Margaret Farley
From the Mental Patient to the Person
ISBN 9780415041201 , 1991 , Dr Peter Barham, Robert J. Hayward
Patient Or Person: Living With Chronic Pain
ISBN 9780898761863 , 1992 , Penney Cowan
Handling, person, samfunn: innføring i etikk for helse- og sosialfagene
ISBN 9788215007441 , 2005 , Svein Aage Christoffersen
Person og profesjon: om menneskesyn og livsverdier i offentlig omsorg
ISBN 9788200429968 , 1997 , Torborg Aalen Leenderts
First Person: New Media As Story, Performance, And Game
ISBN 9780262731751 , 2006 , Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Pat Harrigan,m.fl.
Person-centered Leadership: An American Approach to Participatory Management
ISBN 9780803958197 , 1996 , Steinar Kvale, Jeanne M. Plas
Between China and Europe: person, culture and emotion in Macao
ISBN 9780826457486 , 2002
A History of English Reflexive Pronouns: Person, Self, and Interpretability
ISBN 9789027227607 , 2000 , Elly Van Gelderen
Knokkelmann og englesang: et kulturhistorisk portrett av Døden som person
ISBN 9788203191893 , 2006 , Gøril Aaseth, Elisabeth Høyer
Gender and power: society, the person, and sexual politics
ISBN 9780804714303 , 1988 , Robert Connell
Gender and power - society, the person and sexual politics
ISBN 9780745604688 , 1987 , R. W. Connell
Seeing the Person in the Patient: The Point of Care Review Paper
ISBN 9781857175776 , 2008 , Joanna Goodrich, Jocelyn Cornwell
The person as patient: psychosocial perspectives for the health care professional
ISBN 9780702022302 , 1999 , Elsa L. Ramsden
A Brilliant Life: Live Your Life as an Inspired, Passionate and Positive Person
ISBN 9780954715557 , 2008 , Andy Cope, Laura E. Martin
How Much Should a Person Consume?: Environmentalism in India And the United States
ISBN 9780520248038 , 2006 , Ramachandra Guha