Søk: 'petroleum'
Petroleum Geoscience
ISBN 9781444311549 , 2009 , Richard Swarbrick, Jon Gluyas
Petroleum Geoscience
ISBN 9780632037674 , 2003 , Richard Swarbrick, Jon Gluyas
Petroleum Geosciences
ISBN 9788189741655 , 2009 , Novid Naderpour, F. H. Kordmahleh
Petroleum Rock Mechanics
ISBN 9780123855466 , 2011 , Reza Looyeh
Petroleum: roman
ISBN 9788205332256 , 2004 , Øivind Hånes
Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics
ISBN 9780444502605 , 2006 , P. Horsrud, R. Risnes, Erling Fjar, R.M. Holt,m.fl.
Introduction to petroleum reservoir engineering
ISBN 9788276340655 , 2000 , Anatoly B. Zolotukhin, Jann-Rune Ursin
Petroleum og forvirring: dikt
ISBN 9788205270572 , 2000 , Per Jonassen
Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics
ISBN 9780444889133 , 1992 , Rachel M. Holt, E. Fjaer, P. Horsrud, A.M. Raaen,m.fl.
Petroleum Production Engineering: A Computer-Assisted Approach
ISBN 9780750682701 , 2007 , Boyun Guo, William C. Lyons, Ali Ghalambor
Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics
ISBN 9783642023316 , 2009 , Knut Bjorlykke, Per Avseth
The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780849390678 , 2006 , 4. utgave , James G. Speight
Inorganic Geochemistry: Applications to Petroleum Geology
ISBN 9780632034338 , 1993 , Andrew Robinson, Dominic Emery
The Oil Curse: How Petroleum Wealth Shapes the Development of Nations
ISBN 9780691145457 , 2012 , Michael L. Ross
Risk Management: With Applications from the Offshore Petroleum Industry
ISBN 9781846286520 , 2007 , Terje Aven
Analysis of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Constituents
ISBN 9780803118980 , 1994 , Tracey A. O'Shay, Keith B. Hoddinott,m.fl.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
ISBN 9781285070438 , 2013 , Raymond A. Serway
Prosessteknikk: masse- og energibalanser
ISBN 9788251924573 , 2009 , Sigurd Skogestad
ISBN 9780080534251 , 1998 , Mark Cook, Frank Jahn, Mark Graham
Petroleum economics: issues and strategies of oil and natural gas production
ISBN 9781567202205 , 1998 , Rognvaldur Hannesson
A Generalized Approach to Primary Hydrocarbon Recovery of Petroleum Exploration and Production
ISBN 9780444506832 , 2003 , Mark P. Walsh, Larry W. Lake
Petroleum og politikk: det representative demokratiets møte med oljealderen
ISBN 9788251825788 , 1989 , Johan Peder Olsen
Earth: Portrait of a Planet
ISBN 9780393111378 , 2007 , Stephen Marshak
Lov om undersøkelser etter og utvinning av petroleum i grunnen under norsk landområde (Lov om utvinning av petroleum under land) (Lov av 04.05.1973 nr. 21)
ISBN 9788205319318 , 2003 , Ernst Nordtveit
An Introduction to the Islamic (sharia) Law and to Its Effect on the Upstream Petroleum Sector
ISBN 9781900297394 , 2003 , Michael A.G. Bunter
The End of Oil: The Decline of the Petroleum Economy and the Rise of a New Energy Order
ISBN 9780747570752 , 2004 , Paul C. Roberts
Basin Analysis in Petroleum Exploration: A Case Study from the Békés Basin, Hungary
ISBN 9780792330141 , 1994 , Paul G. Teleki, Robert E. Mattick, János Kókai
Societal Decision-Making: Democratic Challenges to State Technocracy : Confrontations Over Nuclear, Hydro-Power and Petroleum Projects in Norway
ISBN 9781855212695 , 1992 , Svein S. Andersen, Tom R. Burns
Foundations of Energy Risk Management: An Overview of the Energy Sector and Its Physical and Financial Markets
ISBN 9780470421901 , 2008 , American Petroleum Institute,m.fl.
Geothermics in Basin Analysis
ISBN 9780306461255 , 1999 , Andrea Förster, Daniel Francis Merriam,m.fl.