Søk: 'phenomenology'
ISBN 9780230272491 , 2012 , Shaun Gallagher
Introduction to Phenomenology
ISBN 9780521667920 , 1999 , Robert Sokolowski
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology
ISBN 9780199594900 , 2012 , Dan Zahavi
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology
ISBN 9780262161831 , 1999 , Stephen E. Palmer
Hegel's Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason
ISBN 9780521568340 , 1996
Beyond Phenomenology: Rethinking the Study of Religion
ISBN 9780304705702 , 1999 , Gavin D. Flood
Interpreting Landscapes: Geologies, Topographies, Identities; Explorations in Landscape Phenomenology 3
ISBN 9781598743746 , 2010 , Christopher Tilley
Nursing and the experience of illness: phenomenology in practice
ISBN 9780415207836 , 1999 , Irena Madjar, Jo Ann Walton
Being There: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and the Analysis of Culture
ISBN 9789185509300 , 2009 , Nils Gilje, Jonas Frykman
Interpretive phenomenology: embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness
ISBN 9780803957220 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Interpretive Phenomenology: Embodiment, Caring, and Ethics in Health and Illness
ISBN 9780803957237 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
The Logic of the Living Present: Experience, Ordering, Onto-Poiesis of Culture Oriental/Occidental Phenomenology Dialogue
ISBN 9780792329305 , 1994
The Phenomenology of the Initial Prodrome and Untreated Psychosis in First-episode Schizophrenia: An Exploratory Naturalistic Case Study
ISBN 9788291049328 , 2000 , Paul Møller
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2): Aion: Researches Into the Phenomenology of the Self
ISBN 9780691018263 , 1979 , C. G. Jung, R. F. C. Hull
A theological reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit, with particular reference to its themes of identity, alienation and community: salvation in a social context
ISBN 9780773488748 , 1996 , Esther D. Reed