Søk: 'practices'
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture
ISBN 9780195314403 , 2009 , Marita Sturken, Lisa Cartwright
Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices
ISBN 9780803626829 , 2012 , Harmening
Management: Concepts & Practices
ISBN 9780273711186 , 2007 , T.J. Hannagan
Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
ISBN 9781849205634 , 2013 , Jessica Evans, Sean Nixon
Theories and Practices of Development
ISBN 9780415590716 , 2011 , Katie Willis
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
ISBN 9781609181789 , 2011 , Nell K. Duke, Lesley Mandel Morrow,m.fl.
Network Management: Principles and Practices
ISBN 9788131734049 , 2010 , Mani Subramanian
Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, Principles, & Practices
ISBN 9780273774860 , 2012 , Richard Blundel, David Donnarumma
Development and environment: practices, theories, policies
ISBN 9788232100330 , 2012 , Kristian Bjørkdahl, Kenneth Bo Nielsen
Collaborative Knowledge Creation: Practices, Tools, Concepts
ISBN 9789462090026 , 2012 , Anne Moen, Sami Paavola, Anders I Morch
Theories And Practices Of Development
ISBN 9780415300537 , 2005 , Katie Willis
Phonetics: Principles and Practices
ISBN 9780769300627 , 2003 , Sadanand Singh, Kala S. Singh
Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools
ISBN 9780240520681 , 2008 , Roey Izhaki
Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780335221912 , 2008 , Thomas Austin, Wilma de Jong
Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools
ISBN 9780240522227 , 2011 , Roey Izhaki
Situating Everyday Life: Practices and Places
ISBN 9780857020574 , 2012 , Sarah Pink
Hindus: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices
ISBN 9780415456777 , 2009 , Julius J. Lipner
Fashioning history: current practices and principles
ISBN 9780230608689 , 2009 , Robert F, Jr. Berkhofer
Multilingual Urban Scandinavia: New Linguistics Practices
ISBN 9781847693129 , 2010 , Pia Quist, Bente Ailin Svendsen
Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects
ISBN 9780754673163 , 2010 , Tim Cresswell, Peter Merriman
Information Security: Principles And Practices
ISBN 9780131547292 , 2005 , Jim Breithaupt, Mark S. Merkow, James Breithaupt
Negotiating essentials: theory, skills, and practices
ISBN 9780131868663 , 2006 , Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin
Research-Based Practices in Developmental Disabilities
ISBN 9781416402473 , 2008 , Howard P. Parette, George R. Peterson-Karlan
Digital Design: Principles And Practices
ISBN 9780131863897 , 2005 , John F. Wakerly
Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, Principles and Practices
ISBN 9780273713753 , 2008 , Richard Blundel, Kate Ippolito
Management Practices in High-tech Environments
ISBN 9781599045641 , 2008 , Dariusz Jemielniak, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz
Management Practices and Project Success
ISBN 9781861812025 , 2004 , Svein Arne Jessen, Arthur Money
Mundane Heterosexualities: From Theory to Practices
ISBN 9780230273474 , 2010 , Jenny Hockey, Angela Meah, Victoria Robinson
Research With Children: Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780415416832 , 2008 , Allison James, Pia Monrad Christensen
Case Study Research: Principles and Practices
ISBN 9780521859288 , 2007 , John Gerring