Søk: 'stress'
Krevende oppdrag: hvordan mestre stress
ISBN 9788202404581 , 2013
Pipe Stress Engineering
ISBN 9780791802854 , 2009 , Liang-Chuan Peng
Stress ned!
ISBN 9788278860137 , 1997 , Tom McGrath
Stress ned med yoga
ISBN 9788274134614
Stress: meditasjon, yoga, avspenningsteknikker
ISBN 9788203228681 , 2010 , Andries J. Kroese
Yoga mot stress
ISBN 9788205251588 , 1997 , Vimla Lalvani
Yoga mot stress
ISBN 9788205271234 , 2000 , Vimla Lalvani
Kognitiv terapi: stress og traumer
ISBN 9788741251349 , 2007 , Thomas Iversen
Dealing with Stress
ISBN 9780333600047 , 1994 , Michael Murphy, Neil Thompson, Steve Stradling
Atlantic Alliance Under Stress
ISBN 9780511126703 , 2005 , David M. Andrews
Stress med måte!; en video om stress og stressmestring
ISBN 9788205284913 , 2000 , Barbro Bronsberg, Erland Eriksson
Om å takle stress
ISBN 9788247602140 , 2001 , Fiona Graham, Tim Rogers
Cigarette Smoke and Oxidative Stress
ISBN 9783540322320 , 2006
Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements
ISBN 9780955578106 , 2007 , Bryan J. MacDonald
Stress, Self-Esteem, Health and Work
ISBN 9780230006423 , 2006 , Simon L. Dolan
Psykologi i operativ tjeneste
ISBN 9788205454965 , 2013
Health, Stress, and Coping
ISBN 9780875894126 , 1979 , Aaron Antonovsky
Eliminate Stress from Your Life Forever
ISBN 9788182742864 , 2007 , William Atkinson
Flow i hverdagen: navigasjon mellom stress, kaos og kjedsomhet
ISBN 9788245011944 , 2012 , Frans Ørsted Andersen, Nina Hanssen
Stress og følelser: en ny syntese
ISBN 9788750038993 , 2009 , Richard S. Lazarus, Susan Folkman
Improving Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being
ISBN 9781848720565 , 2012
Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions
ISBN 9781412904780 , 2004 , William R. Lovallo
Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 8th Edition
ISBN 9780071742474 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Warren C. Young, Ali Sadegh
Honourably Wounded: Stress Among Christian Workers
ISBN 9781854245434 , 2001 , Marjory F. Foyle
Social Psychology and Health
ISBN 9780335238095 , 2011
Syria: domestic political stress and globalization
ISBN 9789652240392 , 1999 , Eyal Zîser, Paul Rivlin
Development of Psychopathology: A Vulnerability-Stress Perspective
ISBN 9781412904902 , 2005 , Benjamin L. Hankin, John R. Z. Abela
Helbredets mysterium: at tåle stress og forblive rask
ISBN 9788741226712 , 2009 , Aaron Antonovsky
Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis
ISBN 9780471107743 , 1995 , Robert D. Cook
Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements (2nd Edition)
ISBN 9780955578175 , 2011 , Bryan J. MacDonald