Søk: 'Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy'
Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy
ISBN 9780787970932 , 2008 , Amy C. Edmondson
How Organizations Learn: Managing the Search for Knowledge
ISBN 9781861527462 , 2003 , Sue Tempest, Ken Starkey, Alan Mckinlay
Knowledge sharing in organizations
ISBN 9788279351344 , 2003 , Thomas Kalling, Alexander Styhre
How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089494 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How Students Learn: History in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089487 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How Students Learn: Science in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089500 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know
ISBN 9781578513017 , 2000 , Thomas H. Davenport, Laurence Prusak
How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate
ISBN 9781578519040 , 2003 , Andrew Hargadon
Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780199691937 , 2013 , Donald Hislop
Knowledge, Space, Economy
ISBN 9780415189705 , 2000 , Peter Daniels, J.R. Bryson, Nick Henry,m.fl.
Knowledge, Space, Economy
ISBN 9780415189712 , 2000 , Peter Daniels, J.R. Bryson, Nick Henry,m.fl.
Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780199534975 , 2009 , Donald Hislop
How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309074339 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780199262069 , 2005 , Donald Hislop
Metrics - How Economists Learn about Cause and Effect
ISBN 9780691152844 , 2015 , Jorn-Steffen Pischke, Joshua Angrist
Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation
ISBN 9780415249188 , 2001 , Ralph D. Stacey
Complex responsive processes in organizations: learning and knowledge creation
ISBN 9780415249195 , 2001 , Ralph D. Stacey
Changing organizations: business networks in the new political economy
ISBN 9780813334530 , 2000 , David Knoke
How to Function in This Economy
ISBN 9780977219483 , 2010 , Gerald W. Davis
Automating interaction: formal and informal knowledge in the digital network economy
ISBN 9781572735668 , 2004 , Myles Ruggles, Ron Rice
Automating Interaction: Formal and Informal Knowledge in the Digital Network Economy
ISBN 9781572735675 , 2004 , Myles Ruggles, Ron Rice
Conceptual, Methodological and Practical Challenges on How and What People and Organizations Learn Across Time and Space
ISBN 9781612096261 , 2012 , Luis Miguol Villar-Angulo
The knowing organization: how organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions
ISBN 9780195176780 , 2005 , Chun Wei Choo
Design For How People Learn
ISBN 9780321768438 , 2011 , Julie Dirksen
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780415438469 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780203939895 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
How to Learn: Classrooms, Schools and Networks
ISBN 9780415404266 , 2007 , John MacBeath, Mary James, Paul Black,m.fl.
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780273765660 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780415438476 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice
ISBN 9780309065368 , 1999 , National Research Council, John D. Bransford,m.fl.